arch/manjaro how get old version package

install package

sudo pacman -S downgrade

search version the package that you want

sudo downgrade   obs-studio --maxdepth 20 --ala-only

--maxdepth 20: 20 result max
 --ala-only: only online package, exclude local packages

Example when you will run the command

after you select the version for your package, the comand show you, this option

add firefox to IgnorePkg? [y/n]
If you answer "y", the package will no long be upgraded in future updates until you manually remove it from the IgnorePkg line of /etc/pacman.conf

this helps me when i needed to update some packages:
  • sudo downgrade libva --maxdepth 20 --ala-only
    • yay -Qi libva

  • sudo downgrade   obs-studio --maxdepth 20 --ala-only
    • yay -Qi obs-studio

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